Legal Remedy For Parents And Senior Citizen
Concern for someone is the best part of a relation. A relationship is the combination of six things emotion, trust, love, faith, care, and respect. In one life we make many relationships with the others like husband-wife, friends, neighbor,brother-sister, grandfather/grandmother-granddaughter but the relation of father-son/daughter, mother -son/daughter is our first relation.
Here we are talking about the relationship of parent-child. The parent-child relationship is the best example of a relation caregiver or concern. Parent-child relationships can be biological or adopted. Biological parents and children share genetic material, while adoptive parents and children usually do not. The adoptive parent-child relationship is most often legal agreements that form a permanent parent-child relationship. The relationship between parents and their children is important to consider when discussing physical, cognitive, and social development in children.
Object of the Act –
The main object of the Act to provide a fast and effective legal remedy to the helpless and needy parents or senior citizen. As per the Maintenance and welfare of parent and senior citizen Act parents and a senior citizen can claim the monthly maintenance from their children if the parents and senior citizen enable to maintain themselves.
What is the need of this Act –
Prior to this Act, provision of the maintenance of parents was available in under section 125 of the CR.P.C. But this Act provides the protection to the stepfather, stepmother, and senior citizen as well as property of the parents and senior citizens.
Power to the Tribunal –
Under this Act, if any person ( parents or senior citizen) want to file complaint/application against his/her children, then he/she has to submit the application/complaint before the tribunal which is constituted under this Act. Here no power is granted to the civil court under this Act.